Sunday, April 15, 2012

Birthdays, Sparkles, Balloons and more... / Project 52 ~ Week 14

  Good Afternoon!  Where do the weekends go?  We've spent about 1/2 of the last 2 weekends traveling to and from St. Louis.  We enjoyed a {busy but great} vacation.  Now, I'm going to try to catch-up on editing the hundreds of photographs I've taken since the beginning of April!!
  Today's post is actually for last week, Week 14.  On April 1st, my youngest turned 3!  I could hardly believe that 3 years had passed, and so quickly.  I love to spend birthdays reflecting with my wee ones.  We normally have a calm breakfast, followed by preparing their favorite dinner.  I try to make all their cakes starting at age 3, and they always get to pick their flavor and icing colors.   This April 1st was no exception.  My youngest and I spent the day together baking and talking.  She always amazes me with her stories and excitement...and her "princess" attitude!
  We took her birthday photographs in a few different locations this year.  And she was more than eager to cooperate after seeing her balloons.  I couldn't decide on just one for Week 14, so I have added 3 of my favorites:
...every Princess should have pink & sparkly shoes..
{Captured: 50mm,  ISO 100, 1/100, F1.4}

..a bunch of bright balloons, pink tulle on her dress and a sprint to the big tree..
{Captured:  50mm, ISO 160, F4.0, 1/2000}
..bright backdrop of azalea blooms, shady area and lots of pink hues..
{Captured:  50mm, ISO 160, F4.0, 1/400}

  The first image was taken indoors, so I adjusted the shutter speed and the aperture to obtain the desired lighting and a bit of blur.  The second image was taken outdoors, mid-afternoon {I normally only like to photograph during early morning light or late afternoon light}, the shutter speed was adjusted for the bright sunlight and her quick movements.  The third image was taken outdoors, mid-afternoon, the area was mostly shaded by tall pine trees so I was able to adjust the shutter speed and aperture to capture the desired amount of detail in the lovely azalea blooms and her cute dress and shoes!

  I'm hoping to catch-up with editing this week, and post Week 15 as soon as won't be long and I'll be traveling to a Photography Workshop.  I'm so very excited to work with this amazingly talented photographer and continue to grow and learn for YDP's future endeavors!!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Abundance of Azaleas / Project 52 - Week 13


  I'm going to make this post quick, I need to catch-up on some long overdue SLEEP.  I must admit, that I'm slightly jealous that all 3 little ones are resting peacefully.  We've had a rather hectic day - but a beautiful my youngest turned 3 {more to come on next week's post}!!

  So I'll admit...the last 2+ weeks have been a little overwhelming for me.  Normally I try to handle everything that is thrown my way...but without a break, even I cannot keep up the pace lately. just around the corner...almost there...

  I didn't get out and about this week with my camera, but did manage to capture some lovely images with my iPhone camera.  Going forward, I'll try not to include these in Project 52, since the camera phone doesn't provide any manual control over images.  This week's photo was captured on our way to the car...and I feel like the image couldn't be more 'fun'.
Project 52 ~ Week 13
{Captured:  iPhone photo}
  The wall of azaleas provided a fun and vibrant backdrop for a quick image of my youngest {who was jumping with joy}.  Those bright pink blooms are in great contrast with the green grass - love when that happens in nature!

Have a lovely week!